Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I just want to go to...

Well, we are preparing for the holiday weekend (will it ever be here?!) and also preparing to say Goodbye to our cat, Misty. She is going to "visit" Heidee & Tory in Nebraska (as we tell the children). Mostly, we are giving her away because of her sudden complete disdain for our canines. Now, if she just didn't like them, we wouldn't really be so concerned. But her disdain is manifesting itself in 'packages' left for us through out the house. Unwanted packages.

I think all of our animals may soon be asked to find new homes if Ron has to clean poop off of one more surface.

When asked about Misty's little trip, Ullrich's first response was indignant: "But they've already MET Misty. If they want to see her, they can come HERE." His next was slightly more sympathetic: "Misty can't go to Nebraska. That's too far. She might get car sick. And die." (Coincidentally, this is what happened to Nanny Kristen's rat after the trip to Florida. When I tell Cadel that Misty is going to Nebraska she simply states: "And then she'll come back here." We feel bad for them, but not badly enough to keep the cat and her 'presents'.

My work, Best Buy Connect, is in the home stretch to go live. We hit stores on 7/11, and the press has already gotten ahold of some information. It's fun to see things unfolding. There were times we never thought we'd get there.

Here's a couple funny kidisms from recent days:
The other day, we were driving, and listening to 'Cadel songs'. Cadel songs (and Ullrich songs) are personalized CDs from www.nameyourtune.com. They basically take children's songs and plug your child's name in. And they go into the studio to record new names on request, so even MY kids get to have one! Anyway, there is a song that says "Oh I just want to go to (insert name)'s house..." Well, in a recording snafu, Cadel's says "Oh I just want to go to Bronte's house..." instead of her name. So it is our family joke that when things get rough, we say "I want to go to Bronte's house.". I happened to say that in the car. And someone said (Ron maybe?) that we don't know how to get there. Ullrich answered "We should just use GPS." Such a problem solver.

On the sweeter side, for the first time the other morning, Ullrich woke up to find his little sister all snuggled up next to him in his loft bed. She told us she woke up and got scared, so went and got into brother's bed. She was SO apparently pleased with this. We asked her if that made her feel better and she answered "Makes me smile..." with a huge grin on her face. That is something super cute she's doing right now -- telling us she is happy by saying "I'm smiling" with a big grin on her face. She did this also at the bike race in St. Cloud this past weekend. She LOVES and EATS UP crowd applause, which are always abounding in the kids' races, especially for the little ones like Del who take 30 minutes to go down a city block on their little wheels. Anyway, she was "racing" and looked to me and said "They cheer for me. I'm SMILING.". Ah... so sweet. Love her.

Okay - signing off for now!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Scherer Family May photos!

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Big Girls and Kicking and Mermaids... oh my!

Big news in our home right now.... Cadel has been moved from the nursery to her BIG GIRL ROOM. Both kids have been adorably helpful and excited. On her first day sleeping in there, her kind big brother told her "If you get scared, you can come to my room, and come sleep with me. You don't have to go get Mom and Dad." LOVE. She has been perfect so far. The first night was a bit fitful (for her? or for me? Frankly I'm not entirely sure as I had the monitor cranked and picture up to full brightness, so I'm sure I could hear sounds from the pond across the street from her room!), but since then, she is sleeping beautifully, and waking nicely to play with her things in her room.

All of her recent milestones make me a little sad (but insanely proud). Potty trained to the point of even doing outings in undies, and sleeping in her big girl room and toddler bed. Wow - just like that!

T-ball season is over, and Ullrich has decided to sign up for soccer (I guess playing in the dirt on the baseball field every Saturday morning left him wanting something more?). Soccer will start the first week in July, and will be on Thursday evenings. It's our first week night sport. Maybe it will work better than getting upon Saturday morning. So often we find ourselves having to wake the kids and rush them through the morning routine. Makes me nervous for Ullrich's fall pre-school which is in the mornings.

Speaking of kicking for sport, my inner child (baby girl Scherer) is a World Cup soccer star. We are already feeling outside of the body kicks -- this is at 22 weeks gestation. Pretty impressive. Ron never got to feel Ulls kicks on the outside, and pretty sure it was later in the pregnancy for Cadel. Wonder what this says about our next little girl? Who cares... I'm loving it!

In funny kidisms this week, Cadel insists she used to be a mermaid "When I was a mermaid..." she'll start a sentence. Ha!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Chicken Poop... And More

Well, halfway through 2010 and this is my first blog post. I've refreshed the template (thanks Blogger!) and am recommitting myself to regular blogging. I think I'll try to capture some of the cute (okay, down right adorable) things the kids say, and key milestones.

A lot has happened since my last post. The abridged version:
- We are expecting Baby Girl Scherer #3 around 10/24/2010!
- Ullrich turned 4, finished his first year of pre-school, has started to READ, writes his first and last name, rides his bike w/o training wheels, and talks 24/7. He is a constant source of comedic relief to us. Ullrich loves legos and superhero 'guys' right now.
- Cadel turned 2, speaks more English than many 3 year olds, is potty trained, throws down a whole lot of attitude, and is moving to her big girl room in the next week or so. She is also a funny little stinker. She loves animals, Diego, and playing her go-fish game.
- Ron and I are still working at LifeTouch and Best Buy respectively, under our business Mount Curve Consulting.
- We adopted a new puppy, a female lab-mixed breed whom we named affectionately "Lego."

Now - I feel like we are caught up... I'll share a couple of recent Schererisms:

Ullrich is going to farm camp this summer at the Children's Farm in Lake Elmo, MN. So far he seems to love it. On his first day he informed Nanny Kristen that "eggs are really just chicken poop."

Cadel in response to being told she's too big to get in the baby's car seat (and high chair, and exesaucer) "No I'm not. I'm yittle. Look at me!"

More soon... that's a promise!