It has been too long. Every time I sit down to blog, I'm overwhelmed by all of the wonderful things going on in life right now, and don't know where to start. So I'm sure I'll leave things out... but here goes!
Ullrich is 4 1/2 and just started back at pre-school. He is such a big kid now. He speaks to us with all of the logic he can muster, and often begins his case to me for whatever he's looking to have / do / etc. with a "Well. Mom. You know.... " So very serious. On the other hand, this kid is so silly and fun loving he brings us such humor and joy. I've never seen anyone bounce so much in the process of getting a statement out. Ullrich continues to show us a natural talent for all things verbal. He is now officially reading. He sounds out most words - words that are harder than one would think, and with out context. I am amazed at this. I get to go to preschool with him on Fridays this year, and can't wait to watch him in his school environment and be more a part of that.
Miss Cadel is 2 1/2 and is just fiery! She simply wants what she wants. We go head to head on a regular basis. She is exercising our patience and our grace, for sure. She is smart as a little whip as well. Cadel is able to play games of abstract logic such as "I spy" or "I'm thinking of". She also already has a sense of sarcasm, and can intentionally make cracks that make us laugh. Her favorite things are anything her brother is doing, animals, and Sleeping "Duty".
Both the kids were excited to start up in their next session of swimming lessons this month. Ullrich is swimming independently, and is very close to getting to the next level of progression. To our surprise, Cadel leveled up 2 levels and is also in a 'big kid' class this time. She is so excited and PROUD. I'm excited for both of them as they both really really love doing this. And it is something for just them as anticipation builds for the new baby.
We are ALL very excited to think about having a new baby in just about a month. Mommy and Daddy have a handful of odds and ends to complete to be totally ready for her arrival, but the big things are all in place. Ullrich and Cadel talk about her (and to her!) daily, and are really excited for their roles as the big brother and sister. Ullrich is especially excited that mom is taking "100 days" off of work. Cadel is excited to have someone smaller than her around... someone with less privileges than she has!
This pregnancy continues to go well. I've finally broken the 20 pound mark, which makes me a little sad, but I know that the weight coming on now is just what the baby needs, and somewhat beyond my control. I did what I could in the earlier parts of the pregnancy, I guess. This child is so very very active. She is by FAR my most active child in utero. We've been a little concerned with her position as she seems to flop from breech to transverse to head down so freely still. She has spent a lot of time in a transverse position, causing me some side aches. But it is so great to feel her and what is so neat is when you press on her from the outside how responsive she is. This is an experience that is completely new when compared to my other pregnancies. So we are already so intrigued to meet this new person and see what she's all about!
Some good kidisms of late:
Ullrich (to Nanny Kristen): I can't go to China. I don't speak Spanish.
Ullrich (regarding what he wants to do when he grows up): I want to work at LifeTouch (daddy's current client) so I can bring my own lunch.
Cadel (to Mommy, responding in kind): YOU are too smart for YOUR own good.
Ullrich (about what sport he wants to play this fall): I already know how to play soccer. I already know how to play baseball. I already know how to play tennis. I don't need to play any of those.
I'm sure there is much I'm forgetting... but wanted to get an updated post out here!
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