Friday, May 11, 2012

Things my mom did that ROCK:
  • Grew me inside of her.  Seriously.   This is a big one, people.
  • Raised me in the company of siblings.  LOVE my sisters!
  • Played music in the house - ALL THE TIME.  Ala Simon and Garfunkel, Neil Diamond, Kenny Rogers, and sooo many more... 
  • Cleaned the house every Saturday from 8am to noon.  And made us help.
  • Made home cooked meals with dessert every night.
  • Took us swimming - a lot.
  • Came to every concert, ball game, honors ceremony, etc.
  • Composted and recycled wa-ay before it was 'cool'.
  • Told us to 'be good and stay together' every time we left her sight.
  • Decorated the house for every holiday.
  • Celebrated "Kids Day" (our made up holiday to offset Mother's Day - I kid you NOT).
  • Survived raising 4 teenage girls with one teeny tiny bathroom in the house.
  • Sliced bananas and sprinkled sugar on them
  • Loved me unconditionally.
  • Was one of the first people to hold each of her grand-babies - even though she lived in another state.
  • Mailed birthday cards with confetti (often home made) in them.
  • Baked cookies (and cakes, and bars...)
Happy Mother's Day to all of the awesome Moms, especially MINE.