Monday, December 1, 2008

November 2008

All is well in the life of the Scherers...

It is hard to believe that it is December already! The new pictures are from a holiday portrait session we did with Cadel's 9 month(ish) photos a couple of weeks ago. Portrait Innovations is finally in MN -- in Rochester, so we drove 1.5 hours each way, but it was worth it. The kids (and I!) did remarkably well.

We had our first ER visit with Ullrich over Thanksgiving weekend. He had a spill down our inside stairs (assisted by Duke) and threw up an hour or so later. We normally wouldn't go to the ER so quickly, but Ullrich never vomits, so the fall plus that was a little suspicious. He checked out okay, fortunately, but it was a rather dramatic end to our time with our families!

We hosted Thanksgiving this year with Michael's parents and nephews / niece (Jay, Kass, and Jo) plus Ron's dad and brother and sister. We leveraged the investment we had made in a pig this fall and cooked a smoked ham which turned out really well.

Christmas is right around the corner, but we feel really prepared. We put the tree up yesterday, and Ullrich exclaimed when we were finally done with this literally all day project "Let's take it all off and start over!!". I promised him to pick up some little ornaments so he can decorate the tree in his room.

We are working on potty training - again. He has had a pretty good start today. Things generally fall apart on our watch, so we'll see how the evening goes.

Ullrich is really in to hockey this winter. Ron is excited and is encouraging Ullrich's interest. Yesterday in the car Ullrich said "oh no! (something that proceeds most of his interesting observations) the snow is almost gone!" Ron assured him that soon there would be enough snow for sledding. Ullrich responded "AND Snowboarding!" ?????? Help???
Cadel is doing great. She said her first words this month -- uh-oh and hi. Hi is extremely adorable. It is accompanied by a wave, but not just any wave... it is truly a pageant wave. She was doing well w/ sign language but is down to only using one sign regularly, and that is ALL DONE. So I joke that she's "All Done not having what I want", or "All Done not having more", etc. She's a fiesty little thing.

Alright - that is the update. Enjoy the new photos.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A simpler way to update

We have gotten terribly delinquent about updating our website, to the point where we have had to take a totally different direction. Check back often for updates about our family and what we are doing. I'll start w/ general updates...

The Ullrich update goes something like this... "I want to help you !" OR, I can do it ALL by myself!". Our first born is growing up right before our eyes. His favorite things to do right now are helping with anything, playing board games, watching Little Einsteins, reading books, and making Cadel (whom he has nicknamed "Giddy") laugh hysterically.

Cadel's baby-hood is flying by as well. She's 7.5 months and doing so many big girl things -- signing to communicate with us, eating all kinds of yummy fruits and vegetables (I'm making homemade food again, can you believe it?!), cruising around furniture on her own 2 feet, getting into everything she can't have, and throwing an enormous fit when she is told "no"!

Ron and I are parenting... and working... and parenting some more. We are actually quite fortunate to get a lot of breaks from Grandma Scherer and Nanny Val, so we do get to sit face to face and talk about our thoughts somewhat regularly.

Oh, and GOBAMA. What an awesome time in our country's history... well, future history, that is.